Hi, I’m Will. I’m a writer, photographer, and globe-circling adventurer.

I launched The Lost Pilgrim after my friends encouraged me to take my philosophical and spiritual writings off social media and into a more widely-accessible format.

When I left the USA in March 2016 to travel for four years, this site  evolved to document my journey and the personal growth that came along with it. I illustrated my experiences with photography.

Through pictures and words I hope to share with you how I see the world, and why I see it the way I do. For those who can’t travel, I want to bring home my sense of the planet’s extraordinary bigness and smallness, balancing the novelty and universality that constitute important aspects of  adventures like mine.

I plan for this site to develop with me. I’d like it to flow in unexpected directions with the currents of my life, and catch winds of inspiration. Between these I intend to sail a creative course.

Welcome aboard for the ride.

Sailing off the coast of Vanuatu (2018)
Me sailing off the coast of Vanuatu. July 2018

Got a question or a comment? Need advice about travel or photography? Use this contact form to get in touch. Thanks!
