At the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute I learned when a challenge stops being physical, mental, or emotional… and becomes spiritual.
Tag: adventure
Gracias, Peru. Gracias!
My time in Peru was so heart-opening, mind-expanding, consciousness-transforming, body-healing, spirit-challenging, soul-nourishing, cried-every-last-tear-taking-it-all-in-and-yet-there’s-more??? life-changing that I had to go to Colombia just to chill out.
Reflections On 3 Months Abroad
I understand this now not just as a trip, a finite thing with defined boundaries and clear lines. This is the beginning of a time in my life, a phase, a place, an era.
Photo Essay: Journeys, Not Destinations
A photographic overview of the first steps of my journey, traveling through Patagonia, to Ushuaia, Argentina.