This facial hair thing is apparently no joke. The stuff just grows, I guess. Who knew?
Tag: Argentina
Photo Essay: Journeys, Not Destinations
A photographic overview of the first steps of my journey, traveling through Patagonia, to Ushuaia, Argentina.
A Big Arrival: Ushuaia, Argentina
I have reached the end of the world.
Cooking Up A Storm! Eating On the Road
I am having more fun cooking for people on the road, and I’m cooking better, than I have in my whole life.
Dispatches From The Road, Ep. 1
A brief update on my around-the-world experience, just over 3 weeks in.
And so it begins…
If only I had a dime for every time a friend said, “Will, you should really have a blog,” which I always took as a form of encouragement to reach a wider audience…