I travel for one simple reason: I am making something beautiful out of something terrible. — —
Tag: emotions
Tools of Transformation: The ManKind Project
Where can men today learn authentic, healthy masculinity? There is an organization dedicated to answering this question: The ManKind Project.
The Face I Deserve
The worst was that in looking at MY OWN image, I could see everything I sought to avoid knowing about myself. I couldn’t hide that. I had to transform it.
An Anniversary
Today I celebrate and thank Life itself – the Great Mystery! Great Teacher! – that my saddest story has a happy ending, because I was willing to look for it, to fight for it, to never give up until I found it.
Gracias, Peru. Gracias!
My time in Peru was so heart-opening, mind-expanding, consciousness-transforming, body-healing, spirit-challenging, soul-nourishing, cried-every-last-tear-taking-it-all-in-and-yet-there’s-more??? life-changing that I had to go to Colombia just to chill out.
Reflections On 3 Months Abroad
I understand this now not just as a trip, a finite thing with defined boundaries and clear lines. This is the beginning of a time in my life, a phase, a place, an era.
The Dark Side of Long-Term Travel, Intro and pt. 1 – Loneliness
I have discovered there is another side to solo long-term traveling that many blogs don’t cover. I call these issues “The Dark Side of Long Term Travel.”
On Heartbreak
Of all the feelings we are meant to feel, and thus accept, I think heartbreak is the hardest.