The typical cliché used to describe people like me who go traveling for extended periods of time is to say that, “He is finding himself.” Setting aside the belittling way that expression is generally used – as if the instinct for self-discovery is to be mocked rather than celebrated – after almost 17 months on the road I’ve found the common idea of “finding oneself” to be totally inaccurate.
Tag: Patagonia
On Hobbiton, and Home
In March, I visited the movie-set-turned-tourist-attraction of Hobbiton in Matamata, New Zealand. This was the actual location used for the filming of the “Lord of the Rings” and “Hobbit” trilogies.
America Del Sur, Mi Corazon! Gracias Siempre
They say we never forget our first time, and in my experience that maxim applies to more than just its colloquial uses for drugs and sex. For me at least, it applies to travel, as well.
How I Pack, Part 2: The Things I Carry
In Part 1 of this series, “How I Pack”, I discussed my overall philosophy behind packing my bag for long-term travel. Here in Part 2 I’ll cover specifics of what I’ve chosen to put in my pack, how much, and why. Please bear with me, as this post will be somewhat long, with photos.
The Dark Side of Long-Term Travel, Intro and pt. 1 – Loneliness
I have discovered there is another side to solo long-term traveling that many blogs don’t cover. I call these issues “The Dark Side of Long Term Travel.”
An Update On The Beard Situation
This facial hair thing is apparently no joke. The stuff just grows, I guess. Who knew?
Photo Essay: Journeys, Not Destinations
A photographic overview of the first steps of my journey, traveling through Patagonia, to Ushuaia, Argentina.
A Big Arrival: Ushuaia, Argentina
I have reached the end of the world.
Reflections On A Sunset
A spectacular sunset, on a drive through Tierra Del Fuego, Chilé.
Cooking Up A Storm! Eating On the Road
I am having more fun cooking for people on the road, and I’m cooking better, than I have in my whole life.